2013년 5월 14일 화요일

ARCREATIVE’s Pilo the pillow fairy series App – “ Slice-ABC” for free.

 “English words! Now let’s learn them while playing.”
“Ask your child to copy the sound of English words while slicing the images.”
- “A new app of Pilo series”
-  Enables fun learning of English words through the Slice App
- English word themes - fruits, vegetables, shapes, colors - may be selected.
   (The themes get updated.)
- Upon slicing an object, its English word is pronounced; thus allowing natural learning.
 1.  At the top, there are four themes you can choose.
Upon selection, the image on the plate changes.
If the character is selected, an interesting interaction occurs.
If the object on the plate is touched, the App starts.
2. If you select the fruit theme, fruits get thrown up to the sky of Pilo’s dream world.
If the fruit is sliced by hand, points are earned,
with the recorded English word of the image pronounced. 
On the bottom left, the score, life (in hearts), and highest score (trophy) are displayed.
3. If you select the color theme, apples in various colors appear. 
When the child is involved in the game,
the parent can ask him/her to repeat the English word sounds.
They will be happy to repeat it.^^
4. If you select the shape theme, various shapes appear. 
While you are busy slicing them,
Pilo characters will suddenly appear from behind the fruit.
If the characters bouncing off here and there are touched, bonus points will be earned.
If the characters are touched several times, they will fly away from the screen.^^
While having so much fun, you may miss the fruits. 
If three hearts break, the game ends
 5. If you select the vegetable theme, many vegetables appear.
In the middle of the App screen, you spot something like, ugh, crap!
Try not to touch it.
If it is touched, the game ends even if there are still three hearts. 
Of course, you can have another try... no big deal, just give it a try and touch it...
The screen will then be full of crap. Ha-ha… 

* Slice-ABC gets consistent theme updates and additional functions. 
A surprise event is also prepared.
(We will have a draw by order of arrival for the highest score players
and present them with Pilo eco-bags. ^^
We will make the announcement once the event is arranged.) 
Currently, you can download Slice-ABC free of charge from Google Play and Tstore.
Please search for "slice-abc."
Sometime next week (January 14~18), it will be downloadable for free
on Apple, OZ, Samsung Apps and Nstore, Amazon, and Olleh Market.

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